A Sub-contractor: Pentagon Was in for Long Haul

MACEDONIA, Apr. 14 1999

A story buried deep inside Apr. 14 edition of the Wall Street Journal provided a proof that the Kosovo war was NOT caused by the Serbs; that it had been a carefully planned and premeditated case of NWO imperialism, carried out by Bill Clinton for the benefit of the American «death merchants» and their hanger-oners in other industries.

John Heard, formerly a major in the US Army, who now serves as the Macedonia country manager for the U.S. energy, services and construction group, Brown & Root Services company, said that «the U.S. Army had instructed him to build a military infrastructure in Macedonia that can operate for three to five years.» Brown & Root is a subsidiary of the Dallas-based Halliburton Co., which has a five-year, almost $1 billion «life cycle management» contract to support the U.S. Army in the region.

Never mind that FYR Macedonia has never formally acceded to this. Never mind that the Macedonian people generally resent the sudden presence of all these foreign troops on their soil. The U.S. Army, masquerading under the NATO face mask, has evidently moved into Macedonia and is there to stay.

For at least three to five years, according to the Journal.

Wonder why the American people always seem to be the last ones to find out about such foreign adventures to which our government is committing us?

Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona
e-mail: bobdj@djurdjevic.com
Visit the Truth in Media Web site
for more articles on geopolitical affairs.

Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona
e-mail: bobdj@djurdjevic.com
Visit the Truth in Media Web site
http://www.truthinmedia.org/ for more articles on geopolitical affairs.

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